Resource Directory /

General Resources

  • PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center

    PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center provides resources and information regarding the bullying and harassment of students with disabilities.

  • Package of Hope for NICU Families

    Lily’s Hope Foundation offers free customized care packages to families with premature babies either in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or when they are being discharged.

    Its Package of Hope program provides packages customized to a family’s specific needs. A sibling care package is also available.

    Packages are shipped throughout the United States based on availability. One Package of Hope per family.

  • PADS Lake County

    PADS Lake County is a community-based organization that provides trauma-informed support, resources and shelter to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. PADS services include:

    • A day resource center
    • An emergency shelter
    • Homeless prevention and diversion program
    • Supportive housing
  • Parents Alliance Employment Project

    Parents Alliance Employment Project (PAEP) provides training and resources to help people with disabilities find competitive employment in DuPage, Cook, DeKalb, McHenry, Kane, Kendall, Lake and Will counties.

    PAEP youth training programs provide education, daily living and vocational training. PAEP also provides adult services offering career counseling, job training and preparation, job development, job placement, job coaching, support and follow-up services.

    In addition, PAEP works closely with employers to understand their recruiting, hiring and retention needs and provides information to help them increase diversity and meet their workforce needs.

  • Parents Helping Parents

    Parents Helping Parents (PHP) is a nonprofit organization providing training, individual assistance, information and resources about raising a child of any age with any disability or special needs diagnosis.

  • People First: A Guide to Interacting With People With Disabilities

    The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS/DRS) is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities in becoming full participants in our society.

    With “People First: A Guide to Interacting with People With Disabilities,” IDHS/DRS provides general etiquette tips and information on people-first language to foster respect and inclusion for people with disabilities.

  • Prairie State Legal Services

    Prairie State Legal Services is an organization that offers free legal services for low-income persons and those age 60 and over who have serious civil legal problems and need legal help to solve them.

    There are 11 office locations serving 36 counties in northern Illinois. The resources page also provides references to self-help information.

  • Progress Center for Independent Living Serving Suburban Cook County

    The Progress Center for Independent Living serves over 133 municipalities throughout suburban Cook County. It is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential service and advocacy organization operated for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities. Progress Center provides a variety of training and education services, housing assistance, and tools and resources for people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes. These include:

    • Youth transition to adulthood program
    • Independent living skills training
    • Peer counseling
    • Housing assistance
    • Deaf services
    • Braille classes
    • Radio Independent Living 24/7
  • Project Fire Buddies

    Project Fire Buddies is a nonprofit group of Chicago-area firefighters and first responders who find ways to support and spread joy to children with serious illnesses and their families.
    The project volunteers organize toy drives, bring Haloween candy to children who are too sick to trick-or-treat and invite kids to local firehouses. Volunteers also visit with their fire buddies at home to play games, read books, bring gifts for special occasions and more.
    Project Fire Buddies started with the Oak Forest Fire Department but has grown to include more than 20 departments.
  • Project Mobility

    Project Mobility is a nonprofit organization that offers recreational events using specialized bicycles for people with disabilities. Its professional staff works with families, rehabilitative professionals and organizations to promote better health, independence, and most of all the freedom of mobility for people with physical disabilities.

    Project Mobility also does an Adaptive Bike Giveaway.