Resource Directory /

General Resources

  • Northern Will County Special Recreation Association

    Northern Will County Special Recreation Association (NWCSRA) provides year-round, community-based recreational programs and inclusion services for children, teens and adults with special needs.

    NWCSRA collaborates with the Bolingbrook Park District, Lockport Township Park District, Plainfield Park District, the Village of Romeoville, Brookeridge Park District and Justice Park District to provide recreation opportunities and special events for area families.

    For more information, contact NWCSRA at (815) 407-1819.

  • Northlands Association for Special Recreation (NASR)

    Northlands Association for Special Recreation (NASR) is a cooperative partnership between the Belvidere, Freeport and Rockford Park Districts. NASR programs are open to individuals with disability-related needs including physical, mental and developmental disabilities, mental illness, behavior disorders and visual or hearing impairments.

  • Nourishing Hope in Chicago

    Nourishing Hope helps individuals and families in Chicago by meeting them where they are to overcome barriers. Help includes food programs, trauma-informed mental health counseling in multiple languages, domestic violence support and a wide range of social services. Nourishing Hope offers a choice-based food distribution program that also includes:

    • Monthly food distribution and additional produce pickups through five different food access programs.
    • A home delivery services for people with disabilities, older adults and homebound neighbors.
    • Life-changing social services such as case management, job search support, domestic violence intervention and public benefits assistance (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, healthcare, government forms).
  • NubAbility Athletics Foundation and Camps

    The NubAbility Athletics Foundation is a non-profit organization that encourages, inspires and instructs limb different youth by getting them out of the stands, off the bench and into mainstream sports. NubAbility offers a wide variety of limb-different sports camps nationwide for youth athletes who are congenital, traumatic or medical amputees from around the world.

    NubAbility offers camps for a wide range of ages and interests. Options include:

    • All sports
    • Deep sea fishing
    • Competitive shooting
    • Equestrian
    • Basketball
    • Archery and more
  • Office of Disability Employment Policy

    This agency provides national leadership by developing and influencing disability employment-related policies

  • Opportunities for Access – A Center for Independent Living

    Opportunities for Access – A Center for Independent Living (OFACIL) is a member of the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living serving residents of Clay, Clinton, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Hamilton, Jasper, Jefferson, Marion, Wabash, Washington, Wayne and White counties. Offices are located in Mt. Vernon, Carmi and Effingham.

    Programs include:

    • Skills and employment training
    • Support groups and advocacy
    • Housing referral and community reintegration
    • Youth transition and parent training program
    • Adaptive equipment
  • Options & Advocacy for McHenry County

    Options & Advocacy is a service coordination agency that provides information and referrals, screening, evaluation and assessment, service plans, community education and more for children and families in McHenry County. Its programs include:

    • Child and Family Connections Program, an Early Intervention program
    • Autism Resource Center
    • Helping Us Grow (HUG), a home visiting program
    • All Our Kids (AOK) network
    • Sibshops
    • Playgroups

    For more information, visit

  • Our Resilience in Chicago

    Our Resilience is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healing and empowerment of sexual assault survivors through non-judgmental crisis intervention counseling, individual and group trauma therapy, and medical and legal advocacy in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Our Resilience addresses the entire spectrum of sexual violence by addressing harassment, abuse, prevention, public education and institutional advocacy.

  • Over the Rainbow (OTR) – Housing for Individuals with Physical Disabilities

    Over the Rainbow (OTR) is an Illinois non-profit organization providing independent living solutions for individuals with physical disabilities that are:

    • Affordable
    • Accessible
    • Barrier-free
    • Person-centered

    OTR’s apartments are located throughout the Chicago region and Northern Illinois. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and meet OTR apartment communities eligibility requirements.

  • Pace Transportation Services for People with Disabilities in the Chicago Area

    Pace provides a range of inclusive transportation services throughout Chicago and the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) region (Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, McHenry and Will counties). Pace services include free fixed route bus rides for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-certified riders, the Rideshare Access Program (RAP), ADA paratransit options and the Dial-a-Ride program throughout the suburbs.

    You must reserve ADA paratransit options in advance. These options are for riders whose health condition or disability prevents them from using fixed route services.

    Visit the Pace website for more information about its transportation services and training programs for people with disabilities in Chicago and the suburbs.