General Resources
Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) provides plain-language, 24/7 tools in three languages so families can understand and assert their legal rights. ILAO helps people who are unable to find or afford attorneys open opportunities for justice. Its resources can help with crises such as eviction, debt, food insecurity, domestic abuse, deportation and divorce.
The ILAO also provides resources to help with guardianship, education, health and benefits and more.
Illinois Medicaid Managed Care Transportation Toolkit in English and Spanish
The Illinois Medicaid Managed Care Consumer Benefits Transportation Toolkit is a step-by-step guide to help you get to medical appointments. The toolkit flyer provides a code to scan with your smartphone for quick access and contact information on who to contact if you don’t know which Medicaid Health Plan you have.
Use the transportation toolkit to learn:
- How to set up a ride
- What additional rides your plan covers
- What to think about when planning ahead
The flyer and toolkit are also available in Spanish:
- Miembro MCO guía de transporte folleto
- Guía de beneficios de transportación para el consumidor de Medicaid Managed Care de Illinois
The following organizations developed the toolkit: Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP), FIMR Community Action Team, Aetna Better Health of Illinois, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, CountyCare Health Plan, Humana, Meridian and Molina Healthcare.
Illinois Money Wellness
Illinois Money Wellness is a text campaign to encourage good money habits for people with disabilities and the people who support them. Illinois Money Wellness provides one text per week with information on financial wellness resources and advice from the National Disability Institute in collaboration with the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.
You will receive one text per week and your personal information will not be shared with anyone when you sign up for Illinois Money Wellness. You may use this form to sign up or text MONEY to (833) 313-0298.
Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL) supports 22 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) across the state. The goal of these non-profit organizations is to provide community-based, non-residential support for people with disabilities so they may achieve independence in every aspect of their lives, including home, work and school.
INCIL also oversees the Home Modification Program that provides funding for improvements to make eligible homes and rental properties more accessible.
Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) is a statewide organization that partners with the state’s 16 local Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R) agencies. It is a recognized leader, catalyst and resource for making high-quality, affordable early care and education and school-age care options available for children and families in Illinois.
CCR&R’s connect and coordinate programs and services for young children and their families. CCR&R’s manage the application and information for families to receive child care assistance, allowing them to work and/or go to school while their children have access to quality early care and education.
Visit to find your local CCR&R.
The Illinois Respite Coalition (IRC) is a not-for-profit organization of caregivers and respite providers dedicated to supporting families and ensuring access to quality respite services for the residents of Illinois. The IRC assists caregivers by connecting them to resources in their area, providing training on respite topics and having funding available for emergency respite. The IRC helps caregivers of individuals across the lifespan with any disability.
The Emergency Respite Care Program offers funding and resources to support caregivers who are not receiving any respite services and have an urgent need for respite care in the absence of any other funding source. Emergency respite care may be for an unplanned or planned event for reasons including:
- Caregiver illness (physical, mental or emotional)
- Caregiver hospitalization
- Work-related situation
- Reduction of stress level
The website gives examples of qualifying circumstances and information on how to apply. See the emergency care flyer for more details. (The flyer is also available in Spanish.)
For more information, contact:
- The Illinois Respite Coalition at (866) ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 101, or email
- Spanish-speaking callers may call (866) 866-ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 103, or email
Illinois Respite Services and Providers List
Respite is a service providing a temporary break between the family caregiver and the care recipient. Illinois offers a variety of respite services for eligible families and individuals.
Illinois Life Span (ILS), a program of The Arc of Illinois, provides fact sheets, information and a listing of respite services/providers currently funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities. The current listing may be found on their website.
Illinois River Valley Special Recreation Association
Illinois River Valley Special Recreation Association (IRVSRA) provides recreation and social opportunities for individuals ages 7 and up with a wide range of disabilities. Programs include year-round Special Olympics, sports, camps, social clubs, trips and more. IRVSRA is part of the Pekin and Fon du Lac park districts serving residents and non-residents in Tazewell County and the surrounding area.
Illinois Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline
If you or someone you know needs help, you can call, text or chat live with the Illinois Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline at (877) 863-6338 (877-TO END DV).
The Hotline provides crisis intervention and referrals to an emergency situation and support services to victims who are in an abusive relationship. In addition, Hotline advocates can provide information and resources to concerned family and friends.
The Hotline is confidential, available 24 hours a day and can help you no matter what language you speak. More information about the hotline and other Illinois resources is available on the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence website.
Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation
The Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC) is a not-for-profit that issues equipment to provide telephone access to Illinois residents who are hard of hearing, late deafened, deaf-blind or speech-disabled.
ITAC provides both the Illinois Relay phone service and an equipment program, which are both required by state law. Its equipment is designed specifically for people who are having difficulty hearing on the standard phone system. Information is also available in Spanish.