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General Resources

  • HIPP Program Tip Sheet and Application

    The Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program pays health insurance premiums for some children who have high medical costs and who have private health insurance available.

    This HIPP Program Tip Sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) explains the program’s availability and how to apply. (The HIPP Tip Sheet is also available in Spanish.)

    You can also find copies of the HIPP Program application in English and HIPP Program application in Spanish.

  • Hispanic Women of Springfield (HWOS)

    Hispanic Women of Springfield is a non-profit organization offering a variety of resources and social activities for both Spanish and English speakers. Its services include:

    • Translating documents
    • Access to food, medication, utility assistance and other resources
    • COVID-19 vaccine appointments
    • Someone to check in with and talk to
    • Immigration, driver’s license and ITIN number information

    To contact Hispanic Women of Springfield:

  • Holly’s House of Hope

    Holly’s House of Hope helps young adults with disabilities who had an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and are on the PUNS (Prioritization of Urgency of Needs) waiting list build job skills, socialize and engage in their community. It offers skill assessment, vocational training, life skills, employment placement in inclusive environments and social interaction.

    Holly’s House of Hope partners with local ministries and agencies to help participants gain skills, find joy and serve others in need throughout the community.

  • Home Accessibility Program (HAP)

    Funded by the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund, HAP provides funding to local governments and non-profit organizations throughout Illinois to provide home accessibility grants to their local constituency. These grants help people stay in their homes and prevent premature or unnecessary institutionalization of the elderly and people with disabilities.

  • Home Care Appeal and Peer-to-Peer Review Tip Sheet

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) is the operating agency for the Home Care Program. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) completes required reviews and determinations regarding a participant’s eligibility for Home Care services.

    This tip sheet from DSCC explains how the review and determination of medical eligibility for Home Care services works. It also outlines how to file appeals for any decision made by HFS that denies, reduces, changes or terminates benefits for you or your child. (English or Spanish)

  • Home Generator Information for MFTD Waiver Families

    The Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Those Who Are Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD) may pay for power generators for a waiver participant’s primary residence.

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) put together this tip sheet that covers what the waiver will cover, what families need to do and more.

    Home Generator Tip Sheet in English

    Home Generator Tip Sheet in Spanish

  • Home Modification Resources – Private and Government

    The Illinois Department of Human Resources (IDHS) provides a listing of Illinois, federal, local and private organizations offering home modification programs to promote accessibility and help individuals with disabilities become more independent.

  • Home Modification Tip Sheet for MFTD Waiver Families

    The Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Medically Fragile Technology Dependent Children (commonly called the MFTD waiver) can pay for certain home modifications. The modifications must be for the individual’s primary residence and necessary to meet their medical needs. Home modifications may include:

    • Permanent structural changes
    • Equipment that is installed or attached to the home
    • Solutions that are not permanent

    This tip sheet explains what type of home modifications may be covered and the process for moving forward.

    Home Modification Tip Sheet in English

    Home Modification Tip Sheet in Spanish

  • Homeless Assistance Community Contacts

    Illinois has many designated Continuum of Care agencies in local communities that can help people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness to find affordable housing in local communities.


    Home modification refers to converting or adapting the environment in order to make performing tasks easier, reduce accidents, and support independent living. has compiled a variety of resources on home modification resources to provide education, training and information for your own home modification needs.