Resource Directory /

General Resources

  • Consumer Safety strives to make information about recalls and safety-related news about drugs, medical devices, food and consumer products accessible to everyone in a transparent, easily understandable way.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga

    Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for kids ages 3 and older.

  • COVID-19 Long Haulers and the Americans With Disabilities Act

    The U.S. Department of Labor provides a wide variety of resources to help workers, employers, youth and policymakers respond to and recover from the Coronavirus pandemic. Their website includes information on COVID-19 long haulers and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • COVID-19 Parenting Tip Sheets and Activities

    Parenting for Lifelong Health has developed open-access online parenting resources to support families during COVID-19. Their Parenting Tip Sheets are available in 100-plus languages and provide useful reminders, suggestions, strategies and activities to help caregivers support themselves, their children and their families.

  • COVID-19 Preparedness Tool for Families and Caregivers

    The Stanford Health Literacy Lab in collaboration with families and providers developed the COVID-19 Preparedness Tool for Families and Caregivers to help families of children with special healthcare needs with rpreparing for and responding to COVID-19 in a variety of settings.

    The user-friendly tool, also available in Spanish, provides tips for home, healthcare settings, schools and work. It also offers advice for coping with family stress.

  • COVID-19 SERIES, Part 1: Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First

    This Family Voices Resources eBlast shares resources for self-care and asks us to consider what happens if we get sick, with related types of emergency planning to consider in order to be prepared.

    Spanish Version

  • Create Your Own Communication Cardsun-icon

    The Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission developed the Communication Card to provide individuals with hearing loss a simple way to inform others of their communication needs and list the name and contact information of their preferred communication provider.  You can create your very own personalized Communication Card on their website.

  • Creative Healing for Youth in Pain

    Creative Healing for Youth in Pain (CHYP) is a nonprofit organization serving youth between the ages of 13 and 24 who are experiencing pain, feelings of isolation and loneliness. CHYP provides educational resources, peer connection and exposure to creative healing experiences to help bridge the gap between common healthcare barriers such as cost, geographic location and long wait times for appointments. Resources are available for both youth and their parents.

    CHYP resources include:

    • Information on the science of pain
    • Strategies for breaking the pain cycle
    • On-demand webinars for youth and parents
    • Monthly open Zoom meetings for youth (ages 13 to 24)
    • Small group and Zoom meetings for parents
    • Summer camp
  • Crisis Text Line

    The Crisis Text Line serves anyone in any type of crisis, 24-hours a day. Trained crisis counselors will respond and help you:

    • English, text HOME to 741741
    • Spanish, text HOLA to 741741 or text to 442-AYUDAME in WhatsApp

    If you are a caregiver, the Crisis Text Line and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) have teamed up to provide free, 24/7 support to help you navigate the stresses and demands of providing care. Caregivers needing mental health support can text TOUGH to 741741.

  • Crosswalk Community Action Agency

    Crosswalk Community Action Agency (CCAA) offers a variety of programs and services to help individuals and families in Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson and Williamson Counties. CCAA programs address the “day-to-day” needs and help individuals work to become self-sufficient.

    Programs include:

    • A Diaper Program
    • Emergency Services
    • Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
    • Food Pantry
    • Homeless Prevention Services
    • Home Repair and Rehabilitation
    • Home Weatherization (IHWAP)
    • Scholarships