Resource Directory /

Family Support Resources

  • United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter

    The United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter (USAIC)  is a non-profit offering information and support resources for people paralyzed by trauma and medical conditions. It also serves family members and health care and related professionals serving the spinal cord injury community. USAIC is located in Palos Heights but provides information, events and educational programs statewide. Its programs include:

    • Virtual and in person peer support groups
    • The “Living with Spinal Cord Injury” program for health professionals and health science students
    • “Injury Prevention” for school children, seniors and other groups featuring members’ experiences, and information on preventing injuries and falls
    • Advocacy and more
  • Variety – The Children’s Charity of Illinois

    Variety of Illinois’ mission is to improve the quality of life for children with disabilities by providing the equipment and experiences needed to reach their highest potential.

    Its programs include Variety at Play, which offers inclusive, accessible activities for the whole family; Kids on the Go that provides mobility equipment not covered by insurance for children with disabilities; and Live to Achieve that encourages participation and excellence in adaptive sports.

  • Violence Prevention and Support Resources

    The Illinois Department of Public Health put together this list of violence prevention and support resources.

    Topics covered include mental health and crisis support, violence prevention and intervention support, and report of child abuse or abuse of an older adult or adult with a disability.

  • Virtual Care Package for Caregivers

    The Illinois Respite Coalition put together this Virtual Care Package with free virtual resources to help caregivers take time for themselves.

    It includes links to podcasts, playlists, exercises and other tips for caregivers.

  • Virtual Respite Provider Training Course

    The Illinois Respite Coalition provides a free, online Respite Provider Training Program consisting of ten courses for individuals interested in providing respite care. The courses can be taken on your own time and will provide information to meet the Respite Care Professionals Core Competencies.

    Following completion, participants will a certificate of completion and have the option of joining the statewide registry to be connected to respite opportunities.

    Download the flyer for the Respite Provider Training Course.

  • Wabash Area Development, Inc. (WADI) in Enfield

    Wabash Area Development, Inc. (WADI) is a Community Action Agency serving Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Wabash, Wayne, White and Saline counties. WADI provides emergency help for homeless and low-income families and individuals. It also offers education, housing, homeless prevention and job training programs to empower people to become more self-sufficient. WADI services and programs include:

    • Energy assistance
    • Emergency transitional housing
    • Head Start/Early Head Start
    • Rental housing support
    • Work experience,  on-the-job training and employment assistance
    • Education scholarship opportunities
  • Warm Neighbors, Cool Friends Energy Assistance Foundation Program

    Warm Neighbors Cool Friends (WNCF) Energy Assistance Foundation provides year-round help with energy bills and making homes more energy efficient for income-qualified families.  The program helps low-to-moderate-income individuals and families who don’t qualify for federal assistance.  Visit the WNCF website to learn about:

    • Income and eligibility guidelines
    • Program coverage areas
    • Help for weatherizing your home
    • Energy bill payment programs
  • Western Avenue Community Center in Bloomington

    Western Avenue Community Center (WACC) offers programs for youth and seniors, interpretation and translation services, and a food program. WACC programs are open to anyone in the community. Its programs include:

    • Interpretation and translation services in French and Spanish for medical, legal, educational and other general documents
    • Mentoring and after-school programs
    • Adult education and GED classes
    • The Mamás Hogareñas Group to educate and support all moms in the community
    • Food program for the Bloomington-Normal community
    • Fitness programs
  • When Your Child Has a Heart Defect: Planning Ahead for Lifelong Heart Health

    Children with congenital heart defects and disease (CHD) will need lifelong care from congenital heart experts. The Adult Congenital Heart Association provides this brochure to help parents of children born with CHDs support their child’s lifelong heart health.

    “When Your Child Has a Heart Defect” brochure in English 

    Cuando su Niño(a) Tiene Un Defecto de Corazón

  • WIC Fact Sheet

    WIC is a food assistance program for Women, Infants, and Children. It helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. the Fact Sheet discusses the program and gives delivery methods.