Resource Directory /

Family Support Resources

  • Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities Website and Helpline

    The Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities provides services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

    Possible services include in-home supports, respite care, job coaches, residential living arrangements, adaptive equipment and others.

    To find out more information about available services and supports for persons with developmental disabilities, you can call the DHS Helpline at (888) DD-PLANS or (866) 376-8446 (TTY).

  • Illinois Division of Developmental Disability (DDD) Services

    Illinois’ Division of Developmental Disability (DDD) Services system offers services including day services, home-based services, Early Intervention services, disability determination services and other supports.

    Visit the Developmental Disability Services page for more information. You can also contact:

  • Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Programsun-icon

    The Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (IL EHDI) Program works to ensure families of babies and children who are deaf or hard of hearing receive appropriate and timely services. These services include hearing screening, diagnosis, early intervention and parent-to-parent support, provided through coordinated systems of care.

    Families and providers can learn more about the EHDI program and find resources on the Illinois Sound Beginnings website.

  • Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse

    The Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse is a lending library and information resource for families and professionals interested in or involved with the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Program. It also provides support groups in English and Spanish for families involved in the Illinois early intervention program on Facebook.

    The Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse offers:

  • Illinois Early Learning Project

    The Illinois Early Learning Project provides evidence-based, early care and education information for parents, caregivers and teachers of young children in the state of Illinois.

    The site provides a wide range of information on important topics involving early care and education, including:

  • Illinois Elks Children’s Care Corporation

    The Illinois Elks Children’s Care Corporation (IECCC) assists any child under the age of 21 who is a legal resident of Illinois with medical assistance, as long as it falls within the IECCC scope and guidelines.

    Assistance can include custom-designed braces, wheelchairs, treatment programs, corrective shoes, physical/occupational therapy services and more.

    IECCC provides several competitive scholarship programs. No current or past affiliation with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is required. Areas of study include physical or occupational therapy, special education and speech-language pathology. Scholarship application packets must be returned by March.

    Explore all IECC scholarship requirements online or visit your local Elks‬ Lodge for more information.

  • Illinois Emergency Rental Assistance Programs

    The Illinois Emergency Rental Assistance Programs webpage provides updated information about COVID-19 emergency rental assistance programs throughout Illinois. Information is available in multiple languages and includes:

    • Programs that are currently open
    • Type of assistance provided
    • Eligibility requirements
    • Where to apply
    • How to apply and the documentation needed
  • Illinois Guide By Your Side

    Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is a free program providing unbiased information, one-on-one support and resources and trained Parent Guides to talk and/or meet with you if you have a child with hearing loss or a suspected hearing loss.

    Parent Guides are adults who have children with a hearing loss. They provide unbiased information and resources regarding communication, educational and technological choices. They help families identify their options and not tell them which options  to choose. They support families and can help them navigate through the many systems and services available in Illinois. They work as a team with professionals offering a well rounded care system for families.

  • Illinois Hands & Voicessun-icon

    Illinois Hands & Voices is a parent-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to helping families with children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.

    Families can learn about the variety of resources and options available to them and how to access them. Through this network of resources, families can make informed decisions about their future in regards to educational options, the changing landscape of assistive technologies and many other issues facing families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

    Families within the same geographic region within the state can share experiences and information as they support each other. They can receive the opportunity to gain knowledge and direction from families who have faced the same challenges and choices.

  • Illinois Legal Aid Online

    Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) provides plain-language, 24/7 tools in three languages so families can understand and assert their legal rights. ILAO helps people who are unable to find or afford attorneys open opportunities for justice. Its resources can help with crises such as eviction, debt, food insecurity, domestic abuse, deportation and divorce.

    The ILAO also provides resources to help with guardianship, education, health and benefits and more.