Resource Directory /

Education Resources

  • Illinois Early Learning Project

    The Illinois Early Learning Project provides evidence-based, early care and education information for parents, caregivers and teachers of young children in the state of Illinois.

    The site provides a wide range of information on important topics involving early care and education, including:

  • Illinois Nutrition Education Programs (INEP)

    INEP are part of University of Illinois Extension and provide nutrition education to individuals and families in communities around the state of Illinois. Through nutrition and cooking classes, interactive displays, and online resources, the program provides knowledge and teaches the skills necessary to help clients make healthier meals, spend their food budgets effectively and make healthy living a natural part of their day. You can visit their website to find out if a program is offered in your county.

  • Illinois School-to-Work Transition Guide

    The Illinois School-to-Work Transition Guide is a comprehensive resource for transition-age students and their families as they plan for the transition from school to adult life. This user-friendly guide provides clear, up-to-date information about the transition process with a focus on the transition from school to work. The guide is designed to be a key resource for Illinois students, parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, guidance and vocational rehabilitation counselors, and other school-based and adult services providers.

    The guide includes information specific to Illinois for the school-to-work (STW) transition, such as:

    • Key individuals and their roles and responsibilities
    • Important steps and stages in the STW transition process
    • Key terms and definitions
    • Legal aspects
    • Helpful guidelines and resources
  • Illinois Seizure Smart School Act Resources

    Effective July 1, 2020, the Seizure Smart School Act requires all Illinois school personnel to be trained in seizure first aid. It also requires the development of a Seizure Action Plan for students with epilepsy on how to best care for students with the disorder. A student’s parents or guardians will share their healthcare provider’s instructions on managing the student’s epilepsy and include a copy of any prescriptions and how and when to administer those medicines.

    The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago provides resources and frequently asked questions about the law and what it means for families and schools.

  • Illinois Special Education Information for Parents/Guardians

    The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has developed guides and resources specifically for parents of students with disabilities to help them navigate the educational system and know how to best work with district and school personnel. Visit ISBE’s Special Education – Parents/Guardians page for more information.

  • Illinois STAR NET

    Illinois STAR NET helps provide early childhood professionals and families with the supports needed to provide all children with a high quality, equitable education in inclusive environments. STAR NET provides workshops, funding opportunities, technical assistance and more to promote:

    • Evidence-based inclusive practices for young children with disabilities
    • Professional development to support educators and families
    • Meaningful child outcomes through innovative and engaging learning experiences
  • Illinois STAR NET Region IV

    Illinois STAR NET provides Support and Technical Assistance Regionally. It provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through 8, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STAR NET supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood education and care.

    STAR NET Region IV is administered by the St. Clair County Regional Office of Education in Belleville. , IL 62220. STAR NET Region IV serves 38 counties in the southernmost region of Illinois.

  • Illinois STAR NET Region VI

    STAR NET Region VI is part of the Illinois STAR NET system and is supported through a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education in cooperation with Southwest Cooperative. STAR NET provides training, consultation and resources to the early childhood community.

    The STAR NET system assists the State Board of Education in meeting local needs by providing services to professionals and parents of young children with special needs throughout Illinois.

    STAR NET Region VI serves South Cook, Kane, Kendall, Kankakee, LaSalle, Will and  Grundy counties.

    STAR NET Region VI
    6020 W. 151st Street
    Oak Forest, Il  60452
    Phone:  (708) 342-5370
    Fax: (708) 687-2247

  • Illinois STAR NET Regions I & III

    Illinois STAR NET provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STAR NET supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood education and care.

    STAR NET Regions I & III
    Western Illinois University, Horrabin Hall 32
    Macomb, IL 61455
    Toll-free (800) 227-7537
    Phone (309) 298-1634
    Fax (309) 298-2305

  • Illinois STAR NET Regions I & III

    STAR NET provides training, consultation, and resources to the early childhood community in Illinois.  They offerprovide early childhood development workshops and webinars. STAR NET also provides information on how to apply for financial assistance to attend a workshop for family members of a child two through six years of age with an IFSP or an IEP.

    STAR NET Regions I & III
    Western Illinois University, Horrabin Hall 32
    Macomb, IL 61455
    Toll-free 800-227-7537
    Phone 309-298-1634
    Fax 309-298-2305