Resource Directory /

Education Resources

  • US Department of Education

    Site focusing on national efforts to improve education, promote new initiatives and partner with families to benefit children.

  • Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES)

    Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES) provides career and technical education (CTE) courses and oversees a variety of state and federal education improvement grants for schools in DeKalb, LaSalle, Lee, Kane and Kendall counties. Students with disabilities and other special populations in the VALEES region can earn industry credentials and education benefits, participate in skill-building workshops and competitions, and connect with business and industry. Parents, guardians, educators and professionals can visit the VALEES website for resources and programs for special populations.

  • Wabash Area Development, Inc. (WADI) in Enfield

    Wabash Area Development, Inc. (WADI) is a Community Action Agency serving Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Wabash, Wayne, White and Saline counties. WADI provides emergency help for homeless and low-income families and individuals. It also offers education, housing, homeless prevention and job training programs to empower people to become more self-sufficient. WADI services and programs include:

    • Energy assistance
    • Emergency transitional housing
    • Head Start/Early Head Start
    • Rental housing support
    • Work experience,  on-the-job training and employment assistance
    • Education scholarship opportunities
  • Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee

    The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee strives to connect families to community-based services and providers for students and adults with disabilities. Made up of schools, agencies and not-for-profit organizations, the group is working together to improve vocational transition from education to jobs for all learners but particularly for individuals with disabilities.

    The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee provides:

    • Educational events
    • A resource directory covering Will, Grundy and Kendall counties
    • Recorded videos on a variety of topics
    • Information about community resources and service providers grouped by type (advocacy, assistive technology, etc.)
  • Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy

    Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys go to Wrightslaw for information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.

  • “All About Me” Page Templates

    It’s important for everyone involved in your child’s care to understand their needs and what makes them unique. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) has created “All About Me” Pages that you can personalize to help anyone on your care team and beyond get to know your child. These free templates highlight what works best for your child, what they like and dislike and who they are as a person.

    There are a variety of designs to choose from to help you capture your child’s personality. You can share them with doctors, nurses, schools, other caregivers and more. Templates are available in both English and Spanish.