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Education Resources

  • Progress Center for Independent Living Serving Suburban Cook County

    The Progress Center for Independent Living serves over 133 municipalities throughout suburban Cook County. It is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential service and advocacy organization operated for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities. Progress Center provides a variety of training and education services, housing assistance, and tools and resources for people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes. These include:

    • Youth transition to adulthood program
    • Independent living skills training
    • Peer counseling
    • Housing assistance
    • Deaf services
    • Braille classes
    • Radio Independent Living 24/7
  • Project LEAP – Launching Equity in Access to Preschool

    Equip for Equality’s Project LEAP (Launching Equity in Access to Preschool) helps children with disabilities from birth to 6 get Early Intervention and early childhood special education services so that they’re ready to succeed in school. Project LEAP can help your child:

    • Move from Early Intervention to early childhood education
    • Receive the tests needed for special education services
    • Access behavior supports and assistive technology

    Project LEAP can also go to your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings, mediation and due process hearings in select cases. For more information or to schedule a time to talk, please contact Evelyn Aya at or (312) 895-7351. You may also book a time online to talk.

  • QuestBridge

    QuestBridge is a nonprofit that connects high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds to scholarships, financial aid and other learning opportunities to help them attend top colleges nationwide. QuestBridge also provides a Student Resource Center featuring a student workbook, checklists and tips for preparing, applying and paying for college. Its programs include:

    • The College Prep Scholars Program helps high school juniors become strong applicants to top colleges.
    • Quest for Excellence Awards provide high school juniors opportunities to receive scholarships, laptops and funding for partner college visits.
    • The National College Match is the next step for high school seniors. College Match participants can apply for free to colleges and be considered for early admission and a full four-year scholarship.
    • The QuestBridge Regular Decision program provides finalists who do not match an opportunity to be considered for admission and financial aid through a partnering college.

    Visit the QuestBridge website for up-to-date program information, application deadlines and information about other programs.

  • RAMP- No Limits Center for Independent Living (CIL)

    RAMP (RAMP-CIL) is a non-profit, non-residential Center for Independent Living (CIL). It welcomes anyone with a disability, regardless of their disability, age or economic status. The organization serves Boone, DeKalb Stephenson, and Winnebago counties. RAMP-CIL services for youth and adults include:
    • Information and referral
    • Youth education and advocacy
    • Portable ramp loans
    • Independent living skills training
    • Employment services
    • Fast Track Transition services for youth
  • RCADD Back-to-School Resources / Recursos para el regreso a clases

    The Resource Center for Autism & Developmental Delays’ (RCADD) Virtual Resource Room offers back-to-school resources for parents/caregivers and their children with autism and/or neurodiversity. Resources in English and Spanish to help with a new school year include:

    • Tip sheets- Hojas de consejos
    • Schedules and routines materials- Horarios & rutinas
    • Social stories- Historias sociales
    • Visual supports – Apoyos visuales
    • Structured activities- Actividades estructuradas
  • Reading a Student’s IEP – Special Education Under the IDEA

    Equip for Equality provides this guide to help understand the purpose of an individualized education program (IEP), how to read one, rules to know, special education rights, Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements and more.

  • Safe2Help Illinois

    Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe, confidential way to share information that might help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence or other threats to school safety. The program is focused on getting students to “Seek Help Before Harm.”

    Recognizing that not all students may feel safe talking to their parents, teachers, coaches or mentors, students can use a free app, text/phone, website ( and other social media platforms to confidentially report school safety issues and seek help before harming themselves or others.

    The Safe2Help website provides guidance, tips and multi-media materials for children, teens, parents and educators on topics including:

    • The role and actions of a trusted adult
    • Ways to get help
    • Encouraging others
    • Helping someone online
    • Suicide prevention
  • Scholastic Learning Resource

    Printables and projects from Scholastic to keep kids reading, thinking and learning.

  • School Board Meeting Toolkit for People With Disabilities

    School boards make many decisions that affect students. These decisions can significantly affect students with disabilities and special healthcare needs. The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities provides a School Board Meeting Toolkit with resources and tips to help families advocate with and to school boards.

  • School Help for Homeless Children with Disabilities: Information for Parents

    The National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE (Supporting the Eduction of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness) provides this information for families experiencing homelessness who have children with special needs.

    This brief discusses common concerns and offers resources for additional assistance.