Transition: Education Resources
UIC Co-Operative Career Experience Program (Co-Op)
The UIC Co-Operative Career Experience Certificate program (Co-Op Program) from the Department of Disability and Human Development is designed to support students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who may not be able to access post-secondary education in traditional ways. Co-Op students take classes alongside other UIC students as they work towards career opportunities in:
- Arts and culture
- Social justice and advocacy
- Health and care across the lifespan
To be eligible for the Co-Op Program, applicants must be:
- A high school graduate
- Age 18 or older
- Have an intellectual and/or developmental disability
Visit the Co-Op Program website for more details.
Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES)
Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES) provides career and technical education (CTE) courses and oversees a variety of state and federal education improvement grants for schools in DeKalb, LaSalle, Lee, Kane and Kendall counties. Students with disabilities and other special populations in the VALEES region can earn industry credentials and education benefits, participate in skill-building workshops and competitions, and connect with business and industry. Parents, guardians, educators and professionals can visit the VALEES website for resources and programs for special populations.
Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee
The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee strives to connect families to community-based services and providers for students and adults with disabilities. Made up of schools, agencies and not-for-profit organizations, the group is working together to improve vocational transition from education to jobs for all learners but particularly for individuals with disabilities.
The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee provides:
- Educational events
- A resource directory covering Will, Grundy and Kendall counties
- Recorded videos on a variety of topics
- Information about community resources and service providers grouped by type (advocacy, assistive technology, etc.)